Wednesday, February 8, 2012


As I sit here typing and peeking over at my precious, brave daughter, I do so with a heavy heart.  I learned tonight of the passing of a high school friend.  He was diagnosed in early 2011 with colon cancer....6 years after his oldest daughter went into remission from cancer of the liver (Hepatoblastoma).  Scott's one year battle with cancer was extremely painful for him physically.  I can't even begin to imagine the emotional pain for him as well as his family.  Through reading his CaringBridge site, he demonstrated faith, strength and love for the Lord and his family.  His wife who also went to high school with us is a wonderful woman.  I have known her many years although we lost touch I have learned she was and still is an amazing person.  Her support as a wife and mother to two children has been nothing short of inspiring. 

I find myself so caught up in my own trials with my Maci and my focus very seldom seems to change.  My daily activities and responsibilities of maintaining a home are done on cruise control.  I try very hard not to neglect important things and other people.  Sometimes I just have an almost debilitating sense of guilt when I leave the hospital early to go to the grocery store or to go home to try to get just a little more sleep.  After so much time of being on cruise control, I crash.  Today was one of those days. 

I try not to wallow in self pity because I DO know that what Rick and I are experiencing with Maci was God's plan.  It may not have been ours but it's not up to us.  As I was feeling bad for not being with Maci at the hospital early this morning, my heart was also breaking for another little girl who is dealing with her own medical issues.  I have come to know this 5 year old little girl's story and have prayed for her daily since learning about her.  She has renal artery stenosis (a narrowing or blockage of the artery that supplies blood to the kidneys) and had surgery in Michigan today.  She had a bypass surgery where the doctor took part of another artery and replaced a section to supply blood to her one kidney.  Up until her trip to MI, all of her care has been provided here at Le Bonheur.  The family was referred to the doctor in MI based upon his research in the field of renal artery stenosis.  It was a trip into the unknown for the family but updates have stated that things went well since arrival and her post op update is that there's good blood flow to the kidney and things are going well.  As sang in the Doxology...Praise God, from whom all blessings flow!!!!

I know me and my family have been through a lot with Maci and we still have a tough road ahead.  Today just made me realize that so many others have their own trials and some are worse than mine.  It made me stop and give thanks for our many blessings and for the good things we've seen and experienced with Moo. 

Rick and I are having a sleep over with Maci tonight and we have finished giving her a bath, a massage with soothing lavender, smell good, purple Johnson & Johnson lotion and dressed her.  I am now watching her get a little red faced over not being able to reach her pacifier after it fell out of her mouth because it's almost feeding time and she's hungry. 

It's time for us to say our prayers, thank God for his many blessings, the nurses, our family and ask him to be with our other baby friends in the NICU, be with those who lost a loved one today, wish comfort that only God can provide them, a thank you Lord for the 5 year old little girl and a successful bypass surgery and prayers for continued success from here forward.

Thank you ALL for your continued prayers for Maci.  A thank you will never be sufficient enough to express appreciation from Rick or me!

1 comment:

  1. You are truly inspiring! Reading this brought me to tears because I don't know if I would be able to stay positive if we were going through what yall are. You are an awesome mom and Maci is the luckiest little girl!!
