Thursday, April 11, 2013

A Kidney Transplant Is NOT A Cure!

I don't think people realize that a kidney transplant is NOT a "fix".   

Once you receive a kidney transplant, that kidney does not last forever.  Many people will need several transplants in their lifetime.  Maci receiving a kidney transplant WILL increase the quality of her life in many ways and it does mean no more nightly dialysis.  It DOES mean a life of a suppressed immune system, a higher susceptibility to illness and colds or stomach viruses lasting longer since it will take her body longer to fight off germs, it means daily meds to keep her transplanted kidney and continued blood work for the REST OF HER LIFE to be sure her meds are doing the job.

A girl who went to high school with my youngest sister had a kidney transplant while she was in high school.  She just found out that she is currently rejecting her second kidney and will need another transplant.  Her THIRD transplant.  Please keep Tracey in your prayers, specifically that she can find a living donor and if one does not become available that she will not be on the transplant list, waiting for very long.  She is O positive blood type.  If you would be interested in being tested to see if you are a potential match for Tracey, I will be posting information when I learn of details.   

Please know that a transplant is not a cure to kidney failure.  People who receive transplants are really trading one battle for a whole new set of new battles.  There are no guarantees that a new kidney will last.  Some keep their new kidneys for more than 20 years, some not 20 days.

Rick, one other potential donor that I am aware of and Maci had lab work done last Tuesday for the donor matching process.  We should know results "in about a week" so I am thinking in a couple of weeks. 

Please continue to pray for things to go smoothly.  Thank you to everyone. 

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