Friday, April 5, 2013

We Have A Green Light!!!

Maci was presented today to the kidney panel for was a meeting of transplant surgeons, nurses, her kidney doc, social worker......the whole "kit and caboodle". 

The surgeons gave the official YES on transplanting her and gave the official YES to put her on the transplant list, as "inactive".  Listing her as inactive will allow time to find Maci a LIVING donor, which is preferred.

The other transplant surgeons were in agreement with the original transplant surgeon we met with in February.  They all agree that Maci needs to be bigger. 
They want her to weigh 15 kilograms / 33 lbs and she is currently 24 lbs.  They want her length to be between 76-80 cm and she is currently 74.5 cm.  That makes the estimated time for transplant in 6 months. 

At least now we have the green light to test for donors and we have an estimated transplant time.  I count this GREAT news.  In six months, it will be close to Maci's 2nd birthday.  What an awesome birthday present that would be! 

I appreciate all of the continued prayers for Maci and my family.  THANK YOU! 


We hope you all had a wonderful Easter!

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